Join Now!

Membership in the Colorado Blizzards also includes membership with the Colorado Snowmobile Association, our parent organization. 

Memberships are available for individuals, families, and businesses. Our membership year runs from January 1st to December 31st. To join our club, please follow the steps below to join CSA and our club on the CSA website!

Please follow the steps below to join our club:

Step 1:

Navigate to the Colorado Snowmobile Association Website at and click “Join”:

Step 2:

Select the type of membership you wish to have and then click “Next”. This is the cost for the CSA membership only, the Blizzards club membership will be selected later:

Step 3:

Enter your information and then click “Next”:

Step 4:

Provide additional details for the CSA and then click “Next”:

Step 5:

Add the Colorado Blizzards as your club by clicking on “Add Club”:

Step 6:

Click to expand the dropdown and select “COLORADO BLIZZARDS- GREELEY/LOVELAND” from the list of clubs and click Save”:

Step 7:

Ensure the Colorado Blizzards is listed as your club. The price for the membership type you selected for both the Colorado Snowmobile Association and the Blizzards club is now shown, as well as the total. Click “Next”:

Step 8:

Select a username and enter a password so you can manage your membership account and renew online then click “Next”:

Step 9:

Make an optional donation to the CSA Right to Ride or SEEDS fund and click “Next”:

Step 10:

Agree to the Colorado Snowmobile Association policies and ethics statement by clicking checking the “Agree” box, then click “Next”:

Step 11:

Review your personal information and the total amount that needs to be paid. Return to make changes if necessary by clicking “Back” otherwise click “Finish and Proceed to Payment”:

Step 12:

Acknowledge that your account has been created by clicking “OK”, and then select a payment method from the dropdown. The recommended payment method is “Credit Card Processed On This Web Site”:

Step 13:

Enter your payment information and then click “Submit Payment”:

That’s it!

Once you submit payment, our club will be notified of your membership by the CSA.